Silvia S. Hagge
2 min readFeb 17, 2023

Baby Jesus at Salta’s San Francisco Basilica

I walk past San Francisco Basilica in Salta. It’s so terracotta. I decide to go inside. It’s so neoclassic. I stop in front of a window, probably a confessional. A woman who is cleaning the room catches my attention. My eyes take a full tour of the area but stop at the image of baby Jesus lying on a small cushion. He’s so tiny, so well protected. He’s in the center of a glass case. The lady comes to clean the glass and I am tempted to take photos. She cleans and cleans with such care and dedication. When I decide that I already have the photo, I take about ten steps to go to see the altar. It’s so colossal. Suddenly, from behind, a loud shatter makes the few presents shake. It echoes in the immense basilica. I have a feeling that it’s the glass case but I hope, very deeply, that it isn’t. I walk hesitantly to the same window where I have just been and already a curious lady beat me to the punch. I hope again that it is not the glass case but I sadly realize that it is. There are broken pieces of glass everywhere. Large pieces, small ones. Baby Jesus on the floor. The lady has her hands glued to her head and a terrified face. She bends down, she picks up Baby Jesus who is face down between shattered glass and puts him back in his place. The custodians and other employees of the church arrive. They tell her not to worry, that everything is fine. She takes the broom and sweeps the glass pieces. An hour later I pass by the basilica again, still so terracotta. Baby Jesus is there, in his place. Very clean but without a glass case.

San Francisco Basilica

Salta, Argentina.

13 de febrero, 2023

Text and photo ©️Silvia S. Hagge

Silvia S. Hagge
Silvia S. Hagge

Written by Silvia S. Hagge

Primero viajo, después te cuento. El viaje es una excusa. Una excusa para sacar fotos. Otra excusa para encontrar historias.

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